A downloadable mystery adventure game

Uncover the Smoking Gun SteamUncover the Smoking Gun available on Steam from June 24, 2024. 

언커버 더 스모킹 건 6/24일 정식출시!

(잇치에서는 더 이상 게임 다운로드 지원을 하지  않습니다. )


  •  English, Korean, Chinese (Simplified, Traditional), Japanese, French, German, Spanish

디스코드 가입하기: 여기! 

Join our Discord: here!

StatusIn development
Release date Oct 30, 2023
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(28 total ratings)
AuthorReLU Games, Inc.
GenreVisual Novel, Adventure
Made withUnity
TagsAtmospheric, Creepy, investigation, Mystery, Narrative, Singleplayer, storygame, Story Rich
Average sessionAbout an hour
LanguagesEnglish, Korean
InputsKeyboard, Mouse

Development log


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The guessing game with a set routine was very disappointing. This game really gives me hope because it can be played like a detective.

Hello, WelshCorgi

I'm glad you appreciate what our game is striving for.

In the official version, we will prepare more in-depth content.

I hope to see you again.

Thank You!

후원받거나, 후원 리워드를 제공할 계획이 있으신가요?

안녕하세요, lecton님!

아쉽게도 후원 관련 계획은 없지만 

게임은 향후 정식 출시 될 예정입니다!


추리 수사 게임 매니아로서 안해볼 수 없었습니다~!! 정말 너무 너무 재밌었어요! 

새로운 단서를 얻으면 그 단서가 현재 알고 있는 스토리와 바로 직결되는(연상되는) 부분이 특히 인상 깊었습니다. 보통 추리 게임에서 이 단서가 스토리 어떤 부분과 연결되는지 아리송한 부분이 많아서 아쉬웠는데, 스모킹건에서는 직관적이고 알기 쉽게 그 부분이 해결되어 너무너무 좋았어요~ 

로봇 캐릭터들마다 성격이 전부 다른 점도 정말 이 게임의 재미 포인트라고 생각합니다. A01이 너~무 귀여운 나머지 자꾸 수사와 관련 없는 쓸데없는 말을 걸면서 대화해 버렸네요... 😘 앞으로도 응원하겠습니다!! 정식 출시버전 기대할게요!!! 

안녕하세요, Serldan 탐정님.

뛰어난 추리실력으로 사건을 해결하셨군요!

말씀해주신 단서와 스토리간의 관계에 대해서 많은 고민을 했는데

발견해주셔서 기쁩니다 ㅎㅎ

A01의 실없는 농담을 귀엽게 봐주셔서 감사드리며

정식 버전 출시를 위해 달리겠습니다!

맥에서 압축 해제후 파일이 실행되지 않습니다ㅠㅠ 악성 소프트웨어가 있는지 확인할 수 없다고 나오는데 해결책이 있을까요?

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안녕하세요, weakties님!

맥 실행시에, control+click 혹은 마우스 오른쪽 클릭후에 열기를 누르시면 실행 가능합니다. 첨부한 스샷을 보시면, 일반적으로 더블클릭하면 왼쪽과 같은데, 위에 알려드린 방법으로 실행하면 오른쪽과 같이 나오고 실행 가능합니다. 원활한 플레이 되길 바라며 문제가 있다면 댓글로 알려주세요! 감사합니다!

- 참고 스크린샷 (View rest↓ 누르기)

(3 edits)

댓글 남기려고 가입했어요 정말 너무 재밌게 플레이 했습니다 스토리도 너무 좋았구요 씬 인베스티 게이터즈 상위 호환이라고 생각합니다 재밌는 게임 만들어주셔서 감사합니다!

정식 출시 기다리겠습니다!

(혹시 그때는 글자 크기 들을 키워 주실 수 있을까요? 편집으로 글자 키우느라 힘들었어요😅)

안녕하세요, Gnim_Game님!

극찬 너무 감사드립니다! 플레이 하신 영상도 너무 재밌게 잘 봤습니다.

앞으로 더 노력해서 더 재미난 게임 만들어 정식출시때 인사드리도록 하겠습니다! (글자크기에 대한 피드백도 개발자 분들께 전달드리겠습니다!!)


게임 개발의 미래를 엿보다

안녕하세요, Serialization님!

너무나 엄청난 코멘트 너무나 감사합니다! 저희 팀의 큰 목표가 제대로 딥러닝을 사용한 제대로 재미있는 게임을 만들자!이니 만큼 Serialization님의 한 문장에서 너무나 큰 힘을 얻습니다!

더욱 발전된 Uncover the Smoking Gun을 준비 중이오니 앞으로의 행보를 지켜봐 주세요!


너무 재밌게 했습니다!! 혹시 정식 출시는 언제 쯤으로 예상하시나요? 너무 기대되요

안녕하세요, EldoraLee님!

재미있게 플레이 해주셔서 너무나 감사합니다! 아직 정확한 정식 출시 시기는 정해지지 않았지만, 많은 분들의 좋은 평가로 더욱 개발에 박차를 가하고 있습니다. 정식 출시가 결정되면 itch.io에도 공지를 할 예정이니 자주 들러주세요!

다시 한 번 Uncover the Smoking Gun을 플레이해 주셔서 고맙습니다!

This game was PHENOMENAL! I had a blast playing it, and I can wait for full release. Keep up the good work!


Hello Jetstream X!

Thank you so much for the comment! Your presence here is PHENOMENAL! Woo Hoo!

We are working hard to get to the full release and cannot wait to show it to you! Thank you so much for playing Uncover the Smoking Gun!

I cant wait!

Honestly, this game is fantastic! i cant wait for the next update. I had alot of help from my viewers playing it and honestly. i Felt so dumb not being able to figure it out!

Hi TheWickedWeazel!

Thank you so much for playing our game! It is wonderful to hear that you enjoyed it. We are a very small team working on Uncover the Smoking Gun and comments like yours fuel our drive to work hard on the next scenarios! 

As the game is a very new style, using ChatGPT, there is definitely a learning curve! This is something we are working on as well.

Stay tuned for the next episodes and hope to see you again!

"Uncover the Smoking Gun is an exhilarating detective game that seamlessly blends challenging puzzles with a gripping narrative. As you dive deep into the intricate web of clues and mysteries, you'll find yourself truly immersed in the world of investigation. The game's difficulty adds a layer of complexity that keeps you on your toes, making each breakthrough feel like a hard-earned victory. It's a perfect blend of challenge and enjoyment, making it a must-try for any avid detective game enthusiast. Check out the intriguing gameplay in the video link – a thrilling journey awaits! 🔍🕵️‍♂️

Hey cetxn, Thank you so much for the great comment! It was so funny how you used hashtags when responding to the Cleaning robot! =)

Hope you give it another try as there is more to find in Uncover the Smoking Gun!

I will do that <3

Such an amazing game! I was really impressed with the AI dialogue & loved the gameplay; I'd absolutely love to play this further! I streamed the game for 3 hours; enjoy! Twitch Highlight 

Hey Sakura!

Thank you so much for playing our game! Loved that you were really thinking hard to ask the right questions. I hope you try to get the true ending next time!

Thank you!

(1 edit)

I had so much fun playing this game it is sure a brain teaser 
it was shocking when I could actually talk to the robots and ask question and they replied, mind blowing.

i would recommend any one to play this and i surely will be playing more 

here is a link from my game play Twitch vod


Hi Jamaidcannoobs!

Thank you for playing our game! We worked hard to make the robot interactions a part of the game and not just another gimmick! 

Hope you play more and get the True Ending!

I had so much fun with this game! Every time I thought I couldn't figure something else out, I find another clue and go from there. Fantastic game! It feels rewarding to learn about the characters and robots, as well as finding clues!

My playthrough is here: Uncover the Smoking Gun Demo!

Hey NyctNyct! Thank you for taking your time with our game! We really appreciate your playthrough as it gives us insight as to where the bottlenecks are! Thank you again!

And cool avatar! We loved your content! :)

이제 더이상 선택지를 통해 의도치 않게 힌트를 얻게 되는 게임은 가라! 능동적인 대화로 추리하는 갓-겜 등장!

환각으로 인해 유사한 질문이지만 답변이 달라져 다시 한번 확인해야 하고 증거랑 대조하며 이게 진짠지 맞춰가는 갓-겜.

게임을 하면서 한가지 아쉬웠던건, 메모를 붙이는 공간이 일부 제한이 있어 폭 넓게 사용할 수 없는 점과, 메모장의 줌 인 - 줌 아웃 기능이 없어 보고 싶은 메모를 보기 위해 열심히 끌어 당겨야 하는 점이 아쉽습니다..!

또, ai 로봇과 문답한 내용이 자동으로 저장이 되지는 않아 미처 저장하지 못한 부분에 대해서 다시 질문해서 메모를 저장해야 하는 아쉬움이 있는데요.

.. 뭐.. 문답은.. 다시 질문 하면 되죠 뭐 하하..

앞으로가 너무 기대되고 어서 스팀에도 왔으면 좋겠습니다..!

(2 edits)

안녕하세요 omesibal 님!

즐겁게 플레이 해주셔서 감사합니다! 

데모 버전에선 핵심 게임성에 집중하느라 구현 못 한 디테일들에 많았는데,

좋은 의견 주셔서 감사합니다! 

(어쩌면 반영된게 있을지도..?!)

정식 버전에서 다시 뵙겠습니다!


P.s. ㅇ팀은 생성형ai를 쓰면 못 판다고 한다는… 읍읍

로봇을 추궁하고 얻은 증거와 주변 환경을 조사하며 얻은 증거로 사건을 분석하고 추리할 수 있는 몰입도 높은 게임이었습니다. 혼자도 재미있을 것 같지만 서로 의견을 내며 여럿이 즐길수도 있을 것 같아요. 또한 게임에 대한 접근성이 편의성이 뛰어납니다. 정식버전 꼭 플레이해보고 싶습니다.

안녕하세요, sobong님!

즐겁게 플레이해주셨다니 너무 감사합니다! 

추리 스타일이 모두 다르다보니 여러 탐정님들이 토론하면서 추리하면 더욱 풍부한 게임플레이가 될 수 있을 것 같습니다! 

좋은 의견과 피드백 주셔서 너무나 감사드리며, 정식 버전도 기대해 주세요! ^^

My twitch community and myself had a blast playing this game! Highly recommend! Twitch Highlight With Real Time Feedback 

Amazing gameplay, TraZ3rTV!

Thank you so much! We loved your video and the interaction you have with your audience! 

Say hello to your daughters for us as well:)

일단 멍청한 저로서는 2시간 플레이 동안 깨지 못했습니다.. 깨신 분들은 몇 시간 걸리셨는지.. 일단 게임 신박하고 편의성이 너무 좋네요. 질문을 직접 물어보는 식이라서 몰입도도 좋아요. 정식 출시를 기다립니다

안녕하세요 MACARONN3님! 

GPT와의 대화의 늪에 빠지면 점점 시간이 늘어나죠.. 짧게는 1시간에서 길게는 10시간까지 플레이하신 분들도 있답니다!!

게임을 즐겨 주시고, 또 응원 감사합니다. 정식 출시 아자아자!

I played the game and despite some typos during my experience, it was really engrossing, easily lost track of time, and you can make funny questions to the robots and they will answer you, they even know popular references!

Link to my Gameplay

Was a fun experience!

Hey PharaohAnubis!

Thanks for your video and the feedback. Really appreciate you playing with us and please stay tuned for additional scenarios!

(1 edit)

I liked that unlike other detective games, it wasn't a progression where you had to choose a given option. It was a new experience to interact directly with the suspect with information gleaned from looking around.The level of detail in the game is astounding. It's like a real investigation.

hey Teonana,

thanks for the detailed feedback! We're glad to know that you could tell the difference between us and the other games from the same category! We'll be sure to come back with more fun contents :D

(2 edits)


과부하 아이디어 좋은거 같아요!

hello joogom!

Thank you for the comment! We put a lot of thought into that haha. 

Hope we can do more things like that. Please stay tuned for our updates!

안녕하세요 joogom님!

좋은 말씀 감사합니다! 앞으로 그런 요소들을 더 추가할 수 있도록 하겠습니다~ 지켜봐주세요!

Wow!! Every clue in this game leads to another mystery. It's so exciting:D

Hi jiropak! Thank you for playing with us. 

Now i'm wondering... if you found all the clues and if they were all helpful?

Hope you got a good score at the end! 

I'm a huge fan of investigation games and this one was super fun grilling the robots with actual words I can input. The twists and turns in the story were thrilling and interesting too. I didn't get the full score so I may try it again to see what I missed. Keep 'em coming I can't wait to solve more murder mysteries like this!

수사게임 좋아하는데 텍스트를 직접 입력해서 로봇들을 취조하는 것이 신선하고 재밌었습니다ㅎㅎ 새로운 비밀이 밝혀질때마다 스토리가 흥미로운 전개로 펼쳐져서 끝까지 열심히 플레이할 수 있었어요. AAA를 달성하진 못해서 놓친게 뭐 없나 다시 한번 플레이스루할거같아요.다른 사건도 기다릴게요!

Hello, rolydolyrolllly.

Amazing on the AA results! You can restart the game and just look for the last star to get the AAA results. No need to grill the robots for the answers you already know. 

Hope to see you soon after our full release! Thank you again for playing our game!

So much fun! Looking forward to future episodes! I streamed it on twitch if anyone wanted to check out my playthrough. <3 https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1970087071?t=01h24m00s

Hi PewPewPwney, Thank you so much for the video! 

A lot of us have been watching live and we all enjoyed your stream very much!! We loved how you interacted with your chat and we think that added a lot to the game! Thank you!!

(2 edits) (+1)


Got this on my 2nd try!!! AAA


Woo Hoo! Congrats on the AAA results! 

You are a star investigator!

Thank you for playing our game!

제가 플레이한 추리게임 중 가장 색다른 게임이었습니다! 너무 재밌었어요

안녕하세요, juyeong Oh님! 게임을 플레이 해주셔서 감사합니다. 색다른 게임 경험을 주기 위해 노력했는데 알아주시니 감개무량합니다. ㅠㅠ 

데모 버전이 아닌 정식 출시를 준비 중이니 조금만 기다려 주세요! 감사합니다!

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Who's the other bot?

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[Spoiler] Hey 1dergirl5.

If you are wondering about the fourth robot, he is hidden in a secret room. You can get to the hidden room from DR. Choi's office.

You will need a key card (or the chip from the key card) to open that door.

Let me know if you need more help! And thanks for playing our game!

Wow, this game is really amazing! It's surprising how natural the conversation with AI can be. The process of progressing through the story, finding clues, and solving mysteries through conversations with AI was incredibly exciting. The AI characters each have unique personalities, making it feel like talking to real people. Moreover, the game's story has tremendous twists, keeping me on the edge of my seat until the end. The developers' decision to make interaction with AI a core element of the game was truly innovative. I am convinced that this game opens up new possibilities for detective games. I highly recommend it to all fans of mystery games!

Hi, ujunujun. Thanks for the amazing feedback! We worked hard to balance the robots to talk like robots but also make it suspicious of them having free will. Your comment is highly appreciated and gives us the drive to get the game to the next level! 

Thank you again for playing our game!

It was fun!! Here are a few impressions:

1. It was a location I had already found, but I had to get up close to see it, which left me feeling a bit disappointed and frustrated... lol I recommend exploring it from different angles. (Is that obvious...?)

2. I had to have a conversation with a robot, but I found it enjoyable to explore the interior and props, so I ended up not playing the game and just looking around. :b

3. Make sure to interrogate the robot thoroughly and then submit your answer. I could only guess one correct answer. 

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Hi n8ne.cho. Thank you for your impressions! 

You do not have to intensely interrogate the robots but can go for a more direct approach and lay out the evidence you found during your search. You will see the light go off on the robot's forehead, or answers might start with [Calibrating response...] indicating you are on the right track. 

You can also re-submit the answers to get the sweet AAA results!

Thanks again for playing our game!

Oh, that's amazing! This is what GPT games look like.

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Hi, ldh5842. Thank you for playing the game. We are a group of people working on incorporating deep learning technology with games to hopefully come up with a brand-new gaming experience! 

Glad to hear you enjoyed the GPT gaming experience. Stay tuned for more deep learning games from ReLU games!

It was immersive to be typing and talking and reasoning.

Looking forward to the next chapter!

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Hi kyunwoo87. Thank you for playing our game. Our goal was to give players the immersive feel of talking to the suspects, and we are excited that we achieved this. 

We are working hard on the full release with more chapters and hope to see you soon! 

Thank you!

(2 edits)

Interrogating GPT is way more exciting than choosing an dialogue option.

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Hello, r4k0nb4k0n.

Hope you got to use all your interrogation skills to Uncover the Smoking; gun! (wink, wink)

Thank you so much for playing our game. We will come back with more episodes and more robots to interrogate!

Fun game! Will recomend. Hope you guys work on the other locked scenarios as well. I got too invested in trying to get the robot to confess the murder and that took me a big chunk of my time. I don't think it was meant to be played like that but I was really invested in role-playing as a detective. Kinda got carried away...lol

(3 edits)

Hey, kofroken. Thank you for playing our game.

Talking to the robots is indeed a very big part of the gameplay. So don't worry! There is no right or wrong way to play the game. 

We hope to see you again in the full release, as we will come back with more cases to solve! 

Deleted 228 days ago

*Spoiler* You have to open the cabinet door in the doctor's office. You will find out why you need the flashlight then you open the cabinet.

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Hi zinjumto

As kofroken mentioned, the flashlight does have its use and will be needed to uncover an important piece of the puzzle. 

Thank you for playing our game!

로봇 추궁하는 게 재미있네요...  ㅎㅎㅎ  
게임 속 NPC한테 질문을 받는 날이 올 줄이야... -0-

용의자 중에 하나는...  개그캐네요ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 

(1 edit)

안녕하세요, id0k님! 

로봇을 추궁하는 것이 사건 해결에서 제일 재미있는 부분이자 어려운 부분일 수 있겠습니다. 가끔 역으로 질문을 하는 로봇들이 있는데, 당황스럽게 하죠. 부디 좋은 수사 경험이었길 빕니다.

정식 출시를 준비 중이니, 빠른 시일 내에 id0k님을 다시 뵐 수 있었으면 합니다!

플레이 해주셔서 너무나 감사합니다! 

I feel like a real detective. The immersion in this game is incredible.

(3 edits)

Thank you sumco0621 for the comment. 

In our eyes, you are a true detective! We are working on more cases and hope to see you again soon!

With a little bit of background explaining myself, I play lots of games both AAA and Indie(although not much of a mystery solving games) and I've had the chance to try out this game.

There is definitely a freshness from the first person mystery solving(room escaping) game where you need to utilize ChatGPT to find clues and solve the case. The atmosphere with the robots had both funny(due to their way of talking) and scary aspect at the same time. The story and and the twist was also an enjoyment and I pretty much had a good time while playing. There are however some issues that I was met with.

1. Talking to the Robots

I didn't realize that you need to talk to the robots frequently to play the game as it was intended. When talking to the different robots, I was met with many answers that didn't help much and actually gave me the wrong idea. I was looking for the bloodstains and ask the robots for clues. The robot told me that with UV light you can see the bloodtrails. So I asked where the UV light was and the robot told me that it is in the storage room within the building, and that you need to take the elevator to B2 floor, which made me search the whole place for an elevator and couldn't find it. After this issue, I didn't really talk to the robots much as I thought they were just giving me random answers, and focused more finding the clues manually like traditional first person mystery solving game. Even if you don't talk to the robots, you can still find clues and get the right answer by reading texts and finding hard proof. If this game's main USP is the ChatGPT aspect, the game needs to better explain to players that you would need to talk to the robots to solve the case, make it so that unless you talk to the robots the game can't be solved(if we can just manually find clues to solve the case, why talk to the robots?), and explain how to talk to the robots so that they don't give random answer or give you the wrong answer. I understand that the robots are lying and that is part of the game, but if the robots tell me that there is a basement 2nd floor and I can take the elevator, players are probably going to waste their time a lot trying to find it, which may frustrate them big time.

2. Robot Dialogue

The 2nd reason why I stopped talking to different robots was that I thought all other robots used the same dialogue code except A01. When asking for jokes they give you the same answer, their personally when giving the answers are similar, etc. When asking questions, they often give answers like "I can't answer that", which gave the impression that unless I ask them a specific or correct question they are not going to answer. This seemed very scripted with just extra steps of typing out the questions, which made me think that I was limited to the "developer's correct way" of playing this game as opposed to freely having a dialogue with the AI. If the robots had a bigger difference in their personality and wayyyyy more variations of how they answered each questions, that would make the gaming experience better.

Except for the 2 issues above, I generally had a fun time playing. With more improvements with the AI, there is definitely a possibility that the game could go viral with streamers and content creators asking creative questions and getting creative answers.

(4 edits)

Hey myblix387, Thanks for the well thought comment. Working on the robots' responses to be more authentic and trying to make them give more insight into solving the case is something that we are working really hard on, and is still one of our biggest challenges. 

We added on a few features, such as the light on the robot's forehead turning on, and the robots giving statements like [Calibrating response...] to show that you are on the right track, but we understand this can be tricky to notice at the beginning. This will definitely be something we work on.

Thank you for your feedback! We hope to see you when we are out with the full game!


Hello! All feedback and comments are welcome. Try not to post spoilers, please!